Live 2D models for you



Welcome to my website, here you will find the samples to help you decide on the Live2D model you'd see fit for your livestreams and content!



HI! I'am a free lancer in the rigging department of Live2d, I make your artworks move and bring them life allowing everyone to freely express themselves through a virtual screen and their own personas.

In case you have no clue what applications i use here are the list of programs i use to make your model;

- Live2d Cubism editor
- Vtube studio (Free or paid)

Live 2D models for you


Here, the prices of each model are fairly priced depending on the type of model made. each one is priced based on standard rigging and are differently priced only for it's size (Complexity price not included)

100 USD150 USD200 USD
-Body XYZ
-Mouth form and open
-hair physics
-Expressions (Includes 2-3)
-Body XYZ
-Mouth form and open
-hair physics
-Expressions (Includes 2-3)
-chest physics
-Body XYZ
-Mouth form and open
-hair physics
-Expressions (Includes 2-3)
-chest physics
-Knee bend
-clothing physics
Best used to track with ios or android but webcam is also welcomedIOS or android recommended for better tracking!ios or android recommended for better tracking!

TURNAROUND TIME: 2 Weeks to 1 month!



updated samples are posted through this website every commission, so rest assured the quality of each model will improve overtime!



Live 2d works for you

Terms of Service

Rules and Terms that are automatically followed by client on commission.


  • Commissions are only official as soon as client has paid 100% upfront, half payments are also allowed depending on the discussed price. Clients have the right to refuse and the rights to pay half or full before starting the commission.

  • I have the right to refuse the commission if i do not see it fit.

  • Clients cannot whatsoever refund the commission as it is on-going, it is only applicable if the commission is canceled.

  • updates regarding the model's rigging will be given weekly depending on the progress, if there is no sign of updates for at least 1-2 weeks, the commission is refundable.

  • everything that is discussed during the commmission period will be documented and saved in case of scams.

Client Vow

  • I understand that the model I'm commissioning is non-refundable and can only go through the validity of refunding if the person in charge of the commission does not respond 2 weeks after notice of TAT. (Turnaround Time)

  • All rights reserved to the Live2D model is hereby in ownership of I the client and will not be used by anyone else. Person in charge of the Commission also has the rights to use said models as samples and proof of commission unless client has notified said person in charge of commission to not Post or use as Example.

  • I Client have fulfilled my payment and discussed through the use of commerical uses for this live2d model and shall acknowledge the commission as an official payment for entertainment and commercial purposes, if and not.

Model rights and use

  • for commerical profit, models are only eligible for use if discussed the beginning of the commission and paid the necessary fee (Base fee) for such commerical purpose.

  • I have the right to use models rigged as examples for marketing purposes (Client has the right to refuse)

  • for my own protection, in case of a scandal or a dilemma, i have the right to use the commission of the model as way to protect my own reputation from any mentioned drama, regardless if the model is kept as secret.